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part of the Prova must not take more than 10 minutes. The aim of
this part is just to find out how good the student's pronunciation is,
and, above all, how quickly he can speak and understand, and to
give him an idea of how the Method works. It is not aimed at
ascertaining his knowledge of English. This is done through the
"Yes-No Quiz" and the Vocabulary Test.
The teacher should not explain anything about the Method to the
student. He should leave all that to the receptionist, as she can do it
better in the student's own language.
If the student is a complete beginner, the teacher should take into the
classroom the Teacher's Book One and spend the whole 10 minutes
giving the student a straightforward lesson from Page One.
The stages of the Prova
1. The student listens to the dictation on the tape-recorder or
Walkman, and does the dictation at a desk in the reception.
2. He then does the Yes-No Quiz.
3. And translates the vocabulary into his own language.
4. The receptionist then corrects his paper, and gives each of the 3
sections a mark out of 100.
5. The teacher doing the Prova will then look at the mark to get an
idea of the student's knowledge of English, and then take the
student into a classroom for the oral part of the Prova.
6. In the classroom the teacher asks the student to read the "Reading
Passage" for the student s pronunciation.
7. The teacher then asks the 33 questions almost exactly as he
would in a normal lesson.
8. After each of the 5 sections have been marked out of 100 and the
total divided by 5 to give the overall percentage, the teacher in
charge of organising the courses will look for a suitable course
for the student.
How to mark the Prova
1. Dictation - There are 100 words in the dictation, and the
receptionist deducts a mark for each word spelt incorrectly. If the
student repeatedly spells the same word incorrectly, only one
mark is deducted.
2. Yes-No Quiz - The receptionist adds up the questions answered
incorrectly and those answered correctly, and takes the total of
incorrect answers away from the correct answers e.g.,
25 correct answers
3 incorrect answers
Total = 22
and then, for the sake of simplicity, multiplies this figure by 3.
3. Vocabulary Test - With this test the student does not lose a
mark for an incorrect answer. If, for example, he translates 25
words correctly, the mark would, for the sake of simplicity, be
multiplied by 3 and his mark out of 100 would be 75.
4. Reading Passage - Here too there are 100 words. The teacher
deducts a mark for each word pronounced incorrectly, but only
one mark if the mistake is repeated.
5. Question-Answer Test - This consists of 55 questions. As the
questions are asked at some speed, it would be difficult for the
teacher to deduct a mark for each question not answered
correctly. Therefore, the teacher will have to assess the student's
overall performance at the end of the Test and give him a mark
out of 100.
At the end of the Prova, the receptionist adds up the five sets of
marks and divides by 5 to get the final percentage mark, and then
hands the paper over to a teacher to find the student a suitable
Prova Dictations
Stage 1 - First half of Book One
What's this? / It's a pen./ Is this a pencil or a
book?/ Is the long table black?/
Stage 2 - Second half of Book One
About how many pages/ are there/ in this book?/
Do you remain here/ after the lesson?/
Stage 3 - First half of Book Two
If I want to eat/ I must go/ either home/ or to a
restaurant./ We can enter/ by this door./
Stage 4 - Second half of Book Two
We can go/ over the river/ by bridge./ Last night/ I
had/ a very bad dream./
Stage 5 - First half of Book Three
Fast means the same as quick, / except that/ we
don't add/ the letters ly to it/ as an adverb.
Stage 6 - Second half of Book Three
I can't go any further./ I'm too tired./ I've already
thrown/ your old tie away./
This is the student's Prova Paper
Dictation ..........
Yes-No Quiz .........
Vocabulary .........
Reading Passage ..........
Question-Answer Test ..........
TOTAL = ..........
= ..........%
DATE: ................ STUDENT S NAME: .................................
The dictation is composed of disconnected sentences in order to
pack it with the maximum of diverse vocabulary. If you do not
understand a particular word, either leave a blank space in your
dictation or try to guess at its spelling. Try to do the whole dictation
even if you find it very difficult. Just write in those words you
understand. First you will hear the dictation read through at normal
speed, then dictated, with each segment repeated once, and then the
whole dictation read through again at normal speed. The only
punctuation consists of question marks and full stops.
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