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In this regimen, he should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits, such as apples, pears,
grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, melon or any other juicy fruit in season but no
bananas or dried, stewed or tinned fruit, and no other foodstuff whatever. For drinks, lemon
water unsweetened or water either hot or cold may be taken.
During this period the bowels should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema. If constipation
is habitual, all steps should be taken for its eradication.. After all all-fruit diet the patient may
adopt the following regimen :
Breakfast : Fresh fruit as obtainable, or grated raw carrot or other raw salad-stuff, prunes or
other dried fruits, if desired, and a cup of milk.
Lunch : Steamed vegetables, as obtainable, with either a poached or scrambled egg or a
vegetarian savory. Stewed fruit or a baked apple may be taken for dessert.
Dinner : A good-sized raw salad, of any suitable vegetable as obtainable, with whole wheat
bread and butter, and prunes or other dried fruits as dessert.
http://www.healthlibrary.com/reading/ncure/chap57.htm (1 of 2) [5/19/1999 9:26:37 PM]
Further short periods on the all-fruit diet should be undertaken at monthly intervals as required,
for two or three consecutive days each time. The diet factor is of the utmost importance and
fruits and salads must form the main basis of the future dietary . Alcohol, strong tea, coffee
condiments, pickles and sauces should be avoided. Smoking, where habitual, should be given
Water Treatment
Treatment through water is extremely beneficial in curing hydrocele. Cold hip baths twice daily in
the morning and the evening, for 10 minutes each time, are specially valuable. For a cold hip
bath, an ordinary tub may be used. It should be filled with cold water. The patient should sit in
the tub, keeping the legs outside.
A hot Epsom-salts bath is also very useful in the treatment of hydrocele and should be taken
once or twice weekly, where possible. This bath is prepared as outlined in chapter 3 on
Therapeutic Baths.
Every effort should be made to build up the general health level to the highest degree. Fresh air
and outdoor exercise are essential to the success of this treatment. Sun and air bathing, where
possible, should be undertaken. All habits, and practices tending to lower the tone of the body
should be studiously avoided ; strain should be avoided as far as possible. The wearing of a
suspensory bandage is often useful.
Unless the condition persists for a long time, the foregoing treatment should soon begin to show
its beneficial effects, and the whole general health-level of the sufferer will be greatly enhanced
at the same time.
http://www.healthlibrary.com/reading/ncure/chap57.htm (2 of 2) [5/19/1999 9:26:37 PM]
Hypoglycemia or blood sugar is a disorder of blood sugar metabolism which may result in
diabetes in later life. It is a condition in which the pancreas produces too much insulin, causing
the blood sugar to drop.
Hypoglycemia sometimes occurs in healthy people some hours after a meal rich in
carbohydrates, especially following muscular exertion. It is frequently found in the first few days
of life, especially among premature infants.
Hypoglycemia is a serious disorder as the brain cannot function properly when the blood sugar
level is too low. Like all other organs of the body, the brain receive its fuel from the diet. But it
can use only the sugar produced by the body from carbohydrates. Unlike many of the body
tissues, it cannot store its fuel. Therefore, it must get a constant supply of sugar through the
bloodstream. Mental disturbances caused by subnormal blood sugar levels can seriously affect
a person s life.
A craving for sweets and starches in excessive amount between meals is the first sign of low
blood sugar level . When the blood sugar level falls much below normal, symptoms such as
nervousness, irritability, fatigue, depression, disturbed vision and headache appear. Other
symptoms are sweating, trembling, numbness, absent-mindedness, dizziness, palpitation of the
heart and some sexual disturbances. Most hypoglycemia patients feel hungry and eat frequently
to get over the feeling of weakness and emotional irritability. They feel tense if they have to go
without food for several hours.
Hypoglycemia is usually caused by an excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and sugar
foods. These substances cause the pancreas, the adrenal gland and the liver to lose their ability
to handle the sugar properly. Other causes of low blood sugar are a tumour, disturbed
functioning of the liver, pituitary gland or adrenal glands. Stress intensifies this condition as it
weakens the adrenal glands and starts a faulty pattern of glucose intolerance.
The Cure
The high animal protein diet generally prescribed for hypoglycemia is not suitable for this
disorder. It may help control the condition temporarily, but it is harmful in many other respects
and may result in other diseases like heart trouble,arteries, kidney problems and cancer.
The ideal diet for hypoglycemia should be based on three basic food groups,namely grains,
seeds and nuts, vegetable oils. Seeds, nuts and grains should be the main constituents of the
diet. Seeds and nuts should be taken in their raw form. Grains, in the form of cereals,should be
cooked. Cooked grains are digested slowly and release sugar into the blood gradually six to
eight hours after meals. This will keep the blood sugar level normal and constant for a long
Persons suffering from low blood sugar should take six to eight small meals a day instead of two
or three large ones. Eating raw nuts and seeds such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds or drinking
milk, butter milk or fruit juices between meals will be highly beneficial. All refined and processed
foods , white sugar, white flour and their by-products should be completely eliminated from the
diet. Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks should also be avoided. The consumption of salt should be
reduced as an excessive intake of salt causes loss of blood potassium, which causes blood
sugar to drop. The following is the menu suggested for hypoglycemia.
On rising : Fresh fruits such as apples,peaches, melons, berries, avocado or a glass of fresh
fruit juice.
http://www.healthlibrary.com/reading/ncure/chap58.htm (1 of 2) [5/19/1999 9:26:46 PM]
Breakfast : Nuts, seeds, fruit, cottage cheese and buttermilk.
Mid-morning : Fruit, fruit juice or tomato juice.
Lunch : Cooked cereals and milk.
Mid-afternoon : A glass of fruit or vegetable juice or a snack consisting of nuts.
Dinner : Vegetable salad with a cooked vegetable from among those allowed, one or two slices
of whole wheat bread,cottage cheese and butter milk.
On retiring : A glass of milk or buttermilk.
Vegetables which can be taken in hypoglycemia are asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumbers, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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