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before he tries to shoot me.
They didn t have many shooters and their aim wasn t for shit but they could fire
on the run. I did my best to track them, hoping for a lucky shot that would take them
A scream pulled my attention to the far corner of the building. A rabid had
scaled it and was wrestling with a woman. No time to hesitate. I aimed and pulled the
trigger. Didn t slow down to watch his grey matter spray the woman he was attacking.
Those fuckers just kept coming.
 Daniel, there, first brother! RK pointed to a shadow lurking just outside the
gate. I lined up my sights. Firelight flickered across familiar features twisted with rage. I
aimed for the chest and hit his shoulder. He dropped, scrambled for cover, howling his
rage. And fucking pointed a rifle back at me. RK s shove saved my life. But I lost the
fucker in the shadows.
 There, Daniel.  RK s hand tracked his movement.
 Flare! That s Max! I hollered. A flare lit the shadows he hid in.
Damn fucker moved fast even shot. With more than just me targeting him now,
dirt sprayed from the spot he d stood on moments before. I d anticipated his
movement. Might have hit him but he tumbled behind a pile of rubble so I couldn t be
Beta, broken arm in a sling, Fang and Spike with Den-Mom and Alpha made the
roof just in time to block the few rabids that d made it up the side of the building. I was
so focused on hunting Max I didn t see the one coming over the roof edge right in front
of me. RK yowled like a cat whose tail d been stepped on and attacked.
Brannan Black Wolfman 4: Salvation - 75 -
Another flare spotlighted not just Max, but two more psycho rabids just like him.
They looked just that little bit more human. Jane laid down automatic fire while I tried
for a kill shot. And scored, I think. At least he dropped like a stone. Not Max, but it sure
seemed to piss him off. The bullets flew fast and furious in our direction. A strange
scream howl assaulted our ears and the rabids retreated into the shadows. We didn t
waste time on them. We still had a few on the roof and clinging to the wall to deal with.
RK tossed the one that attacked me over the side where he landed with a
sickening thud. Moments later, the sound of my truck squealing around a corner
reached us. The cavalry had arrived. Rabids dropped off the wall and ran. A rough
count showed close to a dozen dead or too injured to run. I watched sickly as one tried
to drag himself out with his uselessly broken legs trailing behind him. Fuck, was that
the one RK had tossed off the roof? Fucking son of a bitch, what if he could be like RK?
Or Mace?
Mace s patrol nailed a few of the slower ones retreating. I wondered what they
would do with the few survivors. I didn t think the pack could handle sponsoring more
rabids but I hated the thought of executing them.
Puking sounds came from one of the women from Boss den. I didn t know her
name. I shouldered my rifle and patted her back.  I d tell you it gets easier but I d be
lying. On the other hand, you re alive, and, for the moment, safe. Try to focus on that.
She wiped her mouth and sank back to the rail.  I had no idea how bad it would
be. Not like any rabids I ve ever seen.
I sat next to her.  Nope, me either, and I ve shot at a lot of them.
 We didn t understand why Boss did what he did. Resented being here, but
now&  Tears started down her face.
I put an arm around her and let her cry for a few minutes.  Come on, let s get
inside. I tugged her to her feet and, with RK trailing us, escorted her in. Some were
already celebrating our victory. Others looked as numb and shell shocked as I felt.
* * *
Brannan Black Wolfman 4: Salvation - 76 -
Did I avoid searching for Mace because I was afraid he was dead? Or because I
didn t want to see him taking care of the rabid wounded? Part of me knew we couldn t
take more in and if we let them go they d just come back. But to kill in cold blood?
Talking about capital punishment was one thing. Seeing your lover as executioner? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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