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ask him to dance. He s due a break right about now, Mike added with a
Eli had been intercepted by three Spandex-clad beauties, one of whom
immediately attached herself to his arm and pressed her breasts against his
biceps. They tried to pull him to the dance floor, and the body language of
the other two suggested that they all wanted to dance with him. What was it
with Eli and multiple women? Part of her wanted to laugh at their tenacity,
and part of her bristled at the sight of another woman s fingers and body
parts stroking his biceps.
He smiled and placed his hands on his hips and looked down at them.
He gestured to other tables, filled with men ready to dance with them. The
one clinging to his arm pouted, which Rachel thought was not a very pretty
look for her. Eli detached her hand and pointed toward the front of the club,
indicating that he was working. The girls looked her way, one of them
nodded, and they released him to continue on his way, unimpeded, back to
the front.
 What did you say to them that they gave up so easily? The ladies don t
usually peel off that easily, Mike said, grinning at his expense as Eli
returned to Rachel s side.
 I said the woman I love was waiting for me to return. I asked them how
they would feel if they were in love with someone and had to watch other
women putting their hands on him all night. They wanted to dance, and I
told them I m saving all my dances for Rachel. At least they were nice about
it and backed off. Some of the women think I m playing hard to get and
figure that if they grope me, I might change my mind. Blech. Eli sniffed his
arm.  Do I smell like perfume?
Smiling, she sniffed him, giggling.  Not much, but if you ll take your
break and dance with me, I ll do my best to erase it for you, she said as she
looked over at Mike.
 Y all go ahead. Things are slow up here, and you ve got a break
coming to you, anyway. You never take your breaks, so I think you ve got a
little extra time. Go dance with your woman. Mike grinned as he made a
shooing motion with his hands toward the dance floor.
Eli helped Rachel from her chair.  Thanks, man. I owe you.
90 Heather Rainier
 Yeah, Mike called,  and I know how you can repay me, too. Eli
grinned and nodded but said nothing more about it.
Grace was on the dance floor with Adam, enjoying another slow dance.
Her head was tilted back as she looked up into his eyes, speaking softly with
him. Rachel looked away from the intense love she saw radiating from
Adam s eyes. Rachel s respect for the four of them grew as she realized the
love and unselfish devotion that was necessary to balance their marriage.
Grace laid her cheek against Adam s chest and wrapped her arms around his
waist as he slowly danced her around the hardwood floor.
Eli turned and embraced Rachel on the crowded dance floor. He
expertly guided her through the throng. She leaned against his massive
body, her breasts pressed close to him. She was conscious of the warmth
increasing inside her as her sensitive nipples rubbed against him. His gentle
hand on her back pressing her close to him told her that he enjoyed the
contact with those tight little points as well. She relaxed against him,
allowing him lead her around the dance floor. She loved to be wrapped in
his warmth and sighed happily at the thought of going home with him
 You sound happy, Eli murmured in a deep, husky voice that made her
shiver with desire for him.
 I am, she replied softly, nodding against his chest.  Very happy not to
be running anymore.
He cupped the back of her head, and she tilted back to look at him. His
eyes were soft with adoration as he leaned down and kissed her so tenderly,
so gently, she moaned in response to his light but intoxicating touch.
 I want you, Rachel. I need you. I wish tonight was not the last night
you ll be staying with me. His gaze was intense, searching.
 I know, Eli, but I ll only be next door. You know I ll be there safe,
right next to you. She knew the only thing that would satisfy him was her
under his roof. He loved her, and that was a wonderful beginning. She knew
she loved him, but she was used to having her own space, and she didn t
want to jump into such a monumental decision on the spur of the moment.
 I would prefer you right next to me in my bed. He slipped his fingers
through the hair at her nape. When he was with her like this, it was so
tempting to say yes, but she remembered her parents and tried to keep their
Her Gentle Giant, Part 1: No Regrets 91
opinion of him in the forefront of her mind. This move was as much for his
sake as it was for hers.
 Eli, you know I ll be over all the time. The same would go for you. My
door would always be open to you. My parents opinion of you is very
important to me.
Changing the subject, Eli said,  Have you ever been on a motorcycle
 Yes, I went once with Mike for a short ride. He rode like a grandma,
and we never got over twenty miles per hour. It was very disappointing.
She laughed, remembering him giving in to her begging and pleading. Rosa
had finally talked him into it. As slow as he went, she should have saved her
 Well, I would be worried for your safety, too. But I d like to take you
for a ride out to the lake on Sunday. By then you ll be all settled in next
door. Would you like that?
 I would, very much.
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