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suddenly thankful for the ability. She had called it pointless once, and in Riversbridge, it was.
Here, there were also pictures for those who couldn t. She glanced in the shop. There was the
merchant, standing behind the counter wearing profligate purple robes that made him look silly
in her eyes, and a young man browsing around. She stepped inside, wondering if weapons
were allowed here. Of course they were, she berated herself, it was a weapons shop.
Her eyes drifted to the young man. He was tall with a svelte frame, but anything from
lanky or clumsy. Short, well trimmed platinum blond hair spilled out from under his green cap.
He was handsome and his movements were graceful, down to the way the feather his cap
dipped and swayed with every bob of his head. A long, thin sword adorned his side, and that
captured her attention. It seemed too small to be effective, barely over half the width of hers,
but by the look of it the sword fit him perfectly. The weapon itself seemed rather blurry to her,
as if she couldn t quite focus on it.
She turned to the daggers on display behind the counter. There were some fancy ones,
but her eyes quickly passed over to the utilitarian blades. The merchant glided over.  Ah,
looking to buy a new dagger, are you? You ve got quite a good eye then, those pretty pieces
over there won t stand up to everyday use. No, these plain blades have the longest lives and
the most use in them.
Der thought she heard the blond stifle a chuckle. She started as she realized the
merchant was waiting for her answer.  Uh, yes.
 Then you couldn t have come to a better shop. The merchant stepped behind the
counter and set the plain daggers before her for inspection.
 Actually, the blond said, his voice carrying the intonation of bells and trumpets in a
splendid mix,  They have some cheap ones in the next shop, but they weren t as good of
quality. He stepped beside Der and smiled gorgeously.  I m looking for a new dagger as well.
She looked at him again. He had cascading blue eyes, like two gentle waterfalls. Part of
Derora s mind told her she should be swooning right now, whatever that was, but she
shrugged and instead started examining the individual daggers. Eventually, she started
guessing which one would fit in her sheath best because they all looked quite functional to her.
 You like this one? He asked her kindly and held up one of the simple blades.
 Thinking about it.
 I ll make a special deal for you, just twenty silver. Der staggered back a step. That was
an incredible amount of money! For just a dagger! She could buy enough food to last her a
lifetime in Riversbridge with twenty silver.
 Huh, the blond said, taking interest.  That s the one I was looking at.
The merchant s silk smile increased as he ducked under the counter and came up with
an identical dagger.  Not a problem.
 Well, the blond folded his arms and leaned against the counter casually,  Since it s not
a unique piece, it s not worth half the price you re asking.
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton 28
 I suppose I could shed a few coins since it s not unique, seventeen.
 Perhaps. The blond shrugged.  But look at the guard s design, it s rather weak, don t
you think?
 I would not sell anything weak, sir.
 I m not saying you are, but the design of the dagger does have its flaws, so it can t be
worth seventeen.
Der watched as the merchant delightfully dropped the price to fifteen and some copper.
The blond shook his head and turned to her.  Let s go to the other shop, decent prices at
least. He shoved off the counter and started to walk away. She followed, figuring he could
indeed get a better price at the other shop.
 Thirteen apiece, and quite the bargain, the merchant said from behind.
The blond stopped and appeared skeptical.  We ll give you seven.
 Twelve, no less.
 Ten. This time he grinned.  Or we truly will go to the other booth.
 Fine, the merchant sighed. Der thought that his rich robes had lost some of their
luster.  Ten for each dagger.
 Oh, I need a kit for my sword too, she added.
The merchant nodded wordlessly and pulled a small pouch out from underneath the
counter and laid it out so she could examine the vial of oil, whetstone, cleaning cloth and a
dwarf-made wire brush. He smiled as if the blond hadn t bargained him down at all.  Eleven.
The blond shook his head slightly, and she said boldly,  I ll give you five.
 I ll go as low as seven, and I assure you, you re getting quite the bargain.
 Oh, agreed. She doubted she could get him to go any lower, and began to pull out her
 I m glad you both happened by my little business, he said pleasantly. The blond made
no return comment.
 Actually, I was told to come here. Der gathered up the kit and dagger.
 Oh, who might that be? The merchant puffed up his sleeves proudly.
 Gnirun Heavyaxe. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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