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toward Charli.  I saw your and Sonny s vehicles and thought I d stop
by. How s it going?
 Great, Sonny enthused.  I m turning stones, and Mr. Lavine s
building arguments.
 Like, if Charli Friedmont took the money, why is there no evi­
dence of where it was spent or how it was spent? Lavine settled
on his secretary s desk corner.  Charli has nothing to show for that
hundred grand. She s got a pastor and wife and a whole congregation
who ll testify that she s been at church every Sunday and had a flaw­
less work attendance record, so there s no way she s gone out of town
and spent it at some exotic playground.
 Good point. Jack s lower lip protruded.  Very good point.
 Plus, we ve got a few leads, Sonny crowed and glanced toward
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the secretary, whose attention was as riveted by the conversation as
was Jack s.
The ringing phone cut her concentration.  Ross Lavine s office,
she said into the receiver.  Yes. He s here. Just a moment. Beatrice
Green pressed a button and gazed up at her boss.  Mr. Lavine, your
conference call.
He stood.  Yes, of course. Lavine pointed toward Sonny.  Go to
it, tiger! he encouraged.
 I m all over it, Sonny said with a broad wave.  I ll be in touch
Lavine extended a thumbs-up and disappeared into his office.
Jack eyed Charli, who averted her attention toward the road.
Okay, he thought, now what? Once he saw Charli and Sonny s vehicles
parked at Lavine s curb, Jack had pulled his car to a stop before he ever
had a second thought. When it came to Charli Friedmont, he was like
a zombie caught in her spell, and the effect was only increasing.
 Looks like we all need to get busy, Sonny explained and strolled
toward the door with the gait of a graceful layup. He paused in front
of the door, placed his hand on the knob, and jerked his head toward
the sidewalk.
Jack took the hint and followed Charli and Sonny into the June
heat. Once the door was closed, Sonny looked at Charli.  Tell him
what happened this morning with Sigmund Harlings, he prompted.
His spine tensing, Jack rested his hand near his Glock 40 and
said,  Who s Sigmund Harlings?
Charli took a breath and then related a story of her flat tire, the
hundred-dollar gift, and the supposed collection happening at the
 I m checking out the collection first thing and then going from
there, Sonny explained.  Whatever the case, my gut tells me this
Harlings cat needs to be followed.
 Absolutely, Jack agreed and gazed up and down the street. He
saw no signs of anything unusual. While the line of aging build­
ings resembled Mayberry USA, the supposed peace seemed mis­
leading . . . especially in the face of the haunted caution in Charli s
big brown eyes. Jack s hackles began to rise.
 I m going to spend the night with the Jonases, Charli ex­
 Good. Jack nodded.  That way, I can sleep in my own bed.
He glanced toward Sonny.  I played watchdog last night and slept
on Charli s couch.
 So I ve heard, Sonny drawled, his lips twitching.
 I already told him. Charli rested her hands on her hips and
decided the time had come to serve Sonny some of his own pudding.
 And his mind went straight to the gutter.
 Yikes! Sonny jumped away from Charli like she had the plague.
 You re lethal this morning, sistah! What happened to that sweet little
southern lady I met the other day.
 You met her, Charli shot back and wagged her head from side
to side.  And she had to make a change or go down!
Jack threw back his head and laughed out loud.  Looks like she s
got you by the tail! he cheered.
Sonny backed toward his truck at the curb and said,  Yeah, and
I m running before she grabs my ears too. He pointed at Charli.  I ll
be in touch, he promised with a jovial wave.
Charli s chuckles mingled with Jack s.
But once Sonny was safely behind Charli s back, he mouthed,
Don t be so easy! and pointed straight at Jack s nose.
Jack squinted as his brother s warning mingled with the leftover
ire from Payton s prying. He focused on Charli s whimsical smile and
tried to ignore the warnings.  You sure seem to be in good spirits
today, Jack observed.
She glanced toward him, then cast her attention toward the street
like she was as skittish as she was cheerful.  That meeting really
182 » Debra White Smith
raised my hopes, I guess. Now I m thinking maybe I won t have to
go to prison after all.
 You won t. Jack rocked back on his heels.  Not if I can help it.
Charli gazed toward the sidewalk and didn t reply.
 By the way, Jack began,  I called and talked with a locksmith
out of Tyler. He can install deadbolts and also set up a complete
security system, but he can t fit you in until tomorrow at nine. Does
that work?
 Sure. Charli fidgeted with her purse strap, then opened the flap
and pulled out her car keys.  Like I said, I ll stay with the Jonases
tonight, so I should be okay until tomorrow.
 Just be careful, okay? Jack rested his hand on her shoulder.
She stepped toward her car at the curb and walked out of his
reach.  I will, she said and avoided eye contact once more.
Finally, Jack realized that Charli was purposefully not looking at
him, and he nearly shivered with her cold reception. Fact was, Charli
Friedmont had been warmer last week when they had their cookout,
and that was before he d spent a whole weekend bending over back­
ward to help her. Even though everything last night hadn t exactly
been perfect, Jack had awakened with a wee bit of encouragement
sitting on his shoulder. Bonnie s sweet reception of his help with her
morning drink had only increased his hope.
Sonny s mouthing, Don t be so easy! now appeared before him like
a beacon of wisdom from a heavenly messenger. Since Jack had never
thought of Sonny as an angel sort, he barked out a laugh before he
ever knew he d released it.
And that got Charli s attention. Her brown gaze presented him
with a silent question.
 Oh, it s nothing. Jack waved away his laughter.  I just had a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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