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didn t have to. He had watched enough of Logan s gory slasher
movies to know that nothing good ever came from entering dark
Another soft groan floated to him in reply. He took a deep breath
to steady his resolve and stepped around the side of the building.
 Oh, God, he gasped.
He rushed over to his fallen mate, slowly rolling Logan to his
back. There was blood everywhere. Keeton frantically felt around his
lover s neck for a pulse. His fingers slipped over the gaping gash on
Logan s throat, and he felt the tears well up in his eyes.
Why wasn t Logan healing? True, the cuts were deep, but they
should have at least stopped bleeding. If Keeton didn t do something
soon, his mate would not survive.
 Logan. He slapped at his lover s cheeks. When he received no
response, Keeton began to panic.  Logan! he screamed.  Don t you
dare die on me, you son of a bitch! That would really ruin my fucking
The tears began to roll over his cheeks in earnest.  Logan,
please, he sobbed.
He knew he needed to go find help, but he couldn t just leave his
mate to bleed out in some disgusting alley. So, he did the only thing
he could think of. He threw his head back and yelled as loudly as he
 Blaise! Talon! Braxton! Someone! Anyone! Keeton continued
to scream over and over until he heard footsteps thundering down the
sidewalk, hurrying toward him.
By the Light of the Moon 117
Talon rounded the corner first, Blaise quick on his heels. Braxton
came next, followed by Boston, who quickly grabbed the smaller man
and held him back. Braxton kicked and flailed, screaming random
threats and imaginative obscenities at the brother.
 Xander will kill me if I let anything happen to you. Stay put!
Boston ordered.
Talon and Blaise dropped to their knees beside Logan and quickly
started assessing his injuries.  He needs blood, Blaise said as he
looked up at Keeton.
 But, I m not a shifter. Not really. One of you give it to him.
 It doesn t matter, Blaise spoke quietly, obviously trying to
soothe him.  You re his mate. It has to be you. It will help. Blaise
grabbed Keeton s shoulders and shook him roughly.  Trust me.
Keeton nodded numbly. He wasn t so sure his cousin hadn t lost
his mind, but he was willing to try anything to save his mate. He
grabbed a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle off the ground and,
before he could chicken out, sliced it across his forearm.
Blaise groaned.  I think we could have found something a little
cleaner than that. He indicated the bloody piece of glass in Keeton s
 No time. Keeton shook his head and hurried to kneel over his
mate as blood dripped from his arm. Talon held his brother s mouth
open, and Keeton let the thick red liquid pour into his lover s mouth.
Please, God, let this work.
When he had gotten as much blood into his mate as he could, he
wiped his arm on his shirt and grabbed Logan s face in both hands.
 Logan Edward Cartwright, you open your eyes right now!
Logan s eyelids fluttered, and he moaned weakly.  That s it, love.
Come on. Open your eyes. Keeton kept up his flow of
encouragements even as the tears continued to fall from his eyes.
 Let s get him home. Talon spoke for the first time since
entering the alley.  Boston, go tell Seth someone else is going to have
to close up, he called over his shoulder, not looking away from his
118 Gabrielle Evans
wounded brother.
Talon and Blaise lifted Logan and carried him through the parking
lot to Logan s SUV. They eased him into the backseat, and Talon dug
through Logan s pockets to find the keys and tossed them at Blaise.
 Get them home. We ll be there soon.
Keeton slid into the backseat and managed to get Logan s head
positioned in his lap. He stroked his lover s hair away from his
handsome face.  Stay with me, love. Stay with me.
By the Light of the Moon 119
Chapter Seventeen
 Start talking, Blaise, Keeton demanded.  I want to know what
happened to Logan. Where the hell are my parents? What are you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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